7 steps to the perfect career site

Two people are sitting next to each other at a table with laptops in front of them and appear to be working together. Large windows and houseplants can be seen in the background.

An attractive and informative careers page is essential for companies these days. It helps to attract the best talent and give applicants an insight into the corporate culture. Potential applicants want to get a comprehensive impression of the company and possible career opportunities before applying. In this article, you will find out which content and functions should not be missing on your career website in order to convince applicants.  

01 Open positions

Candidates who visit a career site are primarily looking for new career opportunities and job vacancies. Therefore, all of the company's vacancies should be clearly listed there. It is helpful if the vacancies can be filtered according to various criteria. For example, users should be able to filter by location, area, department or level of employment in order to quickly find the vacancies that are relevant to them.

The job description should include all the important details so that the applicant can get a good idea of the position and the requirements. It should be written in an inspiring way and make the applicant want to apply. At the same time, it should remain realistic and not raise exaggerated expectations. It is also important to prioritise current vacancies and remove expired positions from the website promptly. This is the only way to give job seekers a good impression of the positions that are actually available.

The use of an applicant management system enables the automatic integration of job adverts on the careers page. This has the advantage that vacancies are automatically displayed on the website and do not have to be maintained manually and that the job adverts on the website always correspond exactly to the original adverts.

02. Information about the company

Information about the company is an essential part of the career page. This includes a concise and understandable description of the company and its corporate culture. Interested applicants can thus gain an insight into the history and development of the company. The values and guiding principles in particular should be emphasised in order to clarify the corporate culture and identity. This creates trust and identification among potential applicants and emphasises the attractiveness of the company as an employer. At the same time, applicants are attracted who can identify with the values and fit in well with the corporate culture.

03 Benefits

The benefits that a company offers its employees are an important factor when deciding in favour of a particular position. Potential applicants look closely at what they are offered. The following benefits should be emphasised on a career page:

Working time models

  • Flexible working hours (flexitime, part-time etc.)

  • Home office options

  • Sabbatical

  • Jobsharing

Nowadays, many employees value flexible working models that are orientated towards their life circumstances. Home office and flexible working hours make it easier to reconcile family and career. A sabbatical makes it possible to take a longer break. Job sharing allows two employees to share one position. All these models make an employer attractive to certain target groups.

Further training opportunities

  • Internal and external seminars

  • Financing of further training and studies

  • Mentoring programmes

  • Rotation between departments

Further training is a key factor in attracting and retaining talent. Companies should offer training opportunities such as seminars, mentoring and financial support. Rotation programmes make it possible to get to know other areas of the company. All of this promotes the professional and personal development of employees.

Other benefits

  • Company pension scheme

  • Benefits (job ticket, canteen)

  • Health offers (sports courses, health checks)

  • Insurance policies

  • Family services (childcare, parental leave)

A comprehensive and transparent presentation of benefits on the career website makes it clear that the company recognises the needs of its employees and takes them seriously. This increases the company's attractiveness as an employer.  

04. Employee testimonials

One component of a convincing careers page that should not be underestimated is the integration of honest reviews from current and former employees. This conveys authenticity to applicants and helps them to get a feel for the reality of everyday working life in the company. Instead of only emphasising the advantages of the company, constructively critical voices should also be heard. Employees appreciate it when they can talk openly about their experiences. For applicants, it is also a sign that feedback from the workforce is taken seriously. The evaluation option should be communicated proactively. A mixture of quantitative ratings and qualitative comments is ideal. This creates a multi-layered picture. It is important that the authenticity of the contributions is guaranteed and that they are not sorted out or manipulated. This is the only way to provide an honest insight into everyday working life.

05. Working environment

Honest and appealing descriptions should be used to present the working environment on the careers page in the best possible way. Use photos and videos to give an authentic insight into everyday working life. Show what makes your company unique as an employer and why it is worth becoming part of the team.

06. Procedure of the application process & contact options

It makes sense to present the application process clearly and transparently on the careers page in order to give applicants security and create trust. Start with an overview of the process, followed by instructions on how to apply online, the next steps and contact options, including contact persons for queries. Remember to provide all relevant information to make the application process as smooth as possible.

07. Locations

An overview of the company's locations on the careers page is useful to show potential applicants where they could work in the future. To present the locations in an ideal way, it is advisable to present an interactive map or a clear list of the locations with relevant information such as size, teams and special features. This gives applicants a good impression of the spatial distribution and work opportunities.

Since the career page is often the first point of contact for applicants, its attractiveness is crucial - INJOBS makes it easier for you to create it and ensures a professional appearance.