7 convincing reasons in favour of an applicant management system

Three people are sitting on a sofa and discussing. One person is holding a notepad and gesticulating while speaking to the others, who are listening attentively.

The recruitment process is time-consuming and often chaotic. Between posting jobs, reviewing applications, coordinating interviews and submitting offers, it's easy to lose track of everything. In this blog post, you'll find out the most important benefits of an applicant management system and why your company absolutely needs one now!

01. time saving

An applicant management system helps to save a lot of time when processing and managing applications. As all applications are collected and managed in one central location, there is no need for time-consuming manual distribution of application documents to the relevant employees. Incoming applications automatically end up in the system and can then be specifically assigned to the relevant recruiters and team leaders. 

By automating the process, duplicate data entry is also no longer necessary. CVs and other documents no longer have to be manually transferred to different systems. Instead of spending time on manual tasks, recruiters can concentrate on the really important tasks - such as quickly viewing applications and communicating with promising candidates. An applicant management system is therefore indispensable for streamlining the application process and saving valuable time resources.

02. increase in efficiency

An applicant management system leads to significant increases in efficiency in the application process. In particular, the automation of routine tasks such as sorting applications, sending standardised confirmation and rejection emails or scheduling interviews saves an enormous amount of time, which can be used for other important tasks. The clear presentation of all applications in one central location also ensures a more efficient way of working. There is no need to copy data back and forth between different systems or folders. Instead, HR employees can access all relevant applicant information quickly and easily. The workflow is also improved as clear processes can be defined for the application process. Applicants are automatically guided through the necessary steps, minimising errors caused by unclear processes.

03 Candidate management

An applicant management system provides a centralised overview of all applicants. Instead of distributing applications across several mailboxes, Excel spreadsheets or paper folders, all applications are stored in one place. This provides a better overview of the entire applicant pipeline. You can see at a glance how many applications have been received, what stage they are at and track the progress of the application process. Centralised management in one system also makes it easier to communicate with applicants. Automated e-mail notifications or message functions keep applicants up to date. Communication can also be personalised and tailored to the applicant. 

In addition, an applicant management system offers effective protection against the unintentional "ghosting" of applicants. Centralised management makes it less likely that applicants will be overlooked or forgotten. The status of applications can be checked regularly and some systems also allow automated reminders to be set up.

04. analysis and reporting

An applicant management system makes it possible to systematically analyse applications and compile statistics on the number of applicants, origin, process duration, etc. The collected data provides information on how successful a job advertisement was. The collected data provides information on how successful a job advertisement was, which channels received the most applications and whether certain target groups could be reached more effectively. Sometimes it is also possible to recognise where there is still room for improvement, e.g. if an age group is underrepresented. Such findings help to plan future recruiting measures in a more targeted manner. In addition, application data can serve as a basis for decision-making, e.g. when it comes to filtering out the best-qualified candidates for a vacant position. Instead of relying solely on first impressions, recruiters can take a data-based approach. Overall, the analysis functions of an applicant management system provide valuable insights that optimise the recruiting process. The ability to access meaningful statistics and reports at any time is a valuable advantage.

A man sits on an orange chair and works on a laptop in an office environment, while two women walk in the background.

05. cost savings

An applicant management system helps companies to make significant savings in recruiting costs. By automating manual and time-consuming processes, personnel costs for processing applications are reduced considerably. In addition, assessment systems and other matching tools help to select applicants who are best suited to the advertised position. This can reduce the number of job interviews and assessment centres.

Coordination and communication between HR and specialist departments is also simplified and accelerated by an applicant management system. For the same effort, more positions can be filled promptly and with high quality. An applicant management system therefore pays for itself quickly.

06 Data protection and compliance

An applicant management system enables the data protection-compliant management of sensitive applicant data. The software should be GDPR-compliant and meet the highest security standards. Precise authorisations can be used to determine who has access to which data. For example, salary expectations and other confidential information remain protected. By logging all access and changes, it is possible to trace exactly who accessed which data and when.

The automated deletion of applicant data in line with legal requirements helps companies to comply with the applicable data protection regulations. The digital storage of sensitive documents and data also eliminates the risk of unintentional data loss through paper files. This protects applicants and companies alike.

07 Employer branding

An applicant management system makes it possible to organise a professional and structured application process. This contributes significantly to employer branding, i.e. the development of an attractive employer brand. Nowadays, applicants pay a lot of attention to the application process and evaluate companies based on it. A structured process with prompt feedback leaves a good impression and ensures a positive candidate experience. Digital application processes also meet the expectations of applicants, especially among younger target groups. Companies that still have analogue and paper-based processes therefore appear less attractive. With an applicant management system, companies can offer simple, user-friendly and mobile application processes. This creates a modern and contemporary image to the outside world, which increases employer attractiveness. Applicant management systems are therefore an important building block for successful employer branding. They help to attract and retain qualified candidates.

An applicant management system offers numerous advantages for companies that are urgently needed today. It helps to save time, increase efficiency, keep track of applicants, analyse data, save costs, reduce compliance risks and strengthen the employer brand.  

For companies that are still working without an applicant management system, now is the ideal time to make the switch. The advantages are enormous and quickly become apparent. If you want to be successful in the long term in today's war for talent, you can no longer do without an applicant management system.